School Council

Welcome to the School Council

The School Council at Braunstone Community Primary School consists of a team of extremely active, dedicated and well organised children. The members of the council take their roles very seriously and, as a result of their hard work, have orchestrated and coordinated positive changes within the school.

Children vote for children in their year group from a range of nominees, they vote for a boy and girl. The school council are also our UNICEF Respecting Rights Ambassadors.

This year, the children are leading our Respecting Rights within the school. Each week, they lead by example and share their impact with others on the Council. They are currently writing the UNICEF Promise for our playground, use of computers, library area as well as our Specialist and Practical room.

Our Vision

The School Council Vision Statement is as follows:

  • Our school council works together as a team to ensure we can be the best school possible.
  • We aim to make pupils to feel comfortable, happy and safe at school.
  • We all work hard to make our world a better place.
  • We want to improve our school by discussing ideas and making decisions.
  • We aim to listen to others and discuss comments and suggestions that would make our school an even more wonderful place.

From Friendship Officers and Eco Officers to Change Consultants and Safety Officers, the council truly represent the voice of the pupils.

Meet our Councillors (TBA)