School Advisory Board

Advisory Board Chair's Welcome

Hello and a very warm welcome from the advisory board at Braunstone Community Primary School (BCPS).

I have been part of the advisory board at the school for the last couple of years and more recently I have had the privilege of becoming the chair.

First and foremost, as a board, we are passionate about wanting every child to succeed here at Braunstone. We are committed to working with Mr T and the leadership team to ensure that we keep pushing our pupils to be their best version, to belong, care, persevere and succeed.

We do this by being a ‘critical friend’ to the school. This means we provide support, advice and challenge to the leadership team to help make our school the best it can be, just like our vision for the children. We are part of the governance for the school and we look at all aspects of school life from attendance, behaviour and curriculum to how well we are preparing our children for secondary school.

Our board is made up of parents, staff and members of the community, all of whom volunteer their time and expertise to support the school. We are always looking to involve more parents in the board as your perspective and opinions are important to the success of the school.

As Chair I will keep you updated on our work through the school’s newsletter after each meeting. However, if you have specific questions or would like to find out more about getting involved please get in touch.

Lauren Charlton
Chair of the Advisory Board

The Role of the Advisory Board

he Advisory Board provides local governance to the school on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

Braunstone Community Primary School is part of Discovery Trust. The Trust has a Board of Trustees (sometimes known as the board of directors or governing body) who are ultimately responsible for governance of the schools in the trust and is accountable for their performance. To support their work, the Trustees delegate governance function to be carried out locally through each school Advisory Board.

As an Advisory Board our focus is on challenging and supporting the school to provide the best possible education for all pupils. We help influence the direction of the school by offering our experience and expertise to strengthen the decision-making process. We challenge the leadership team to help ensure that the school is meeting the needs of the children. The functions of the Advisory Board are set out in the Trust Scheme of Delegation linked below.

The Advisory Board consists of parents, staff and community representatives; the Headteacher is a member of the Advisory Board by virtue of their office. Community Members are appointed by the Advisory Board on the basis of the skills; Parent and staff members are elected to the board by the parent and staff body respectively.

Our Members 2024-25

Halil TamgumusHeadteacher (ex-officio)
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 1/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 3/4
Business interests declared 10.9.24: Ofsted inspector (any monies are reclaimed by the Trust) since Oct23; personal interests: spouse is teacher at Kibworth Primary School.
Lauren CharltonChair and Community member
Term of Office: 10.9.24-9.9.27
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 3/4
Business interests declared 6.9.23: Staff Education Specialist, Fresh Start In Education since July 2017; vice-chair of trustees at Symphony Learning Trust since Sept 2016.
Michelle MatthewsElected Parent member
Term of Office:  22.9.22 – 21.9.25
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 3/4
No business interests declared 30.8.24
Amos MukizaElected Parent member
Term of Office:  29.3.23-28.2.26
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 1/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 2/4
No business interests declared 22.1.25
Hannah WalleyAppointed community member
Term of Office: 26.2.24-25.2.27
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 3/4
Business interests declared 29.11.23 Employed Delifrance UK and Ireland LTD since Jan’23
Sharon WalkerElected Staff member
Term of Office: 29.11.23-28.11.26
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: 2/2
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: 4/4
No business interests declared 3.10.24
Tereza HuntAppointed community member
Term of Office: 28.11.24-27.11.27
Attendance at meetings 2024-25: n/a
Attendance at meetings 2023-24: n/a
No business interests declared

Scheme of Delegation and Governance Strategy

Advisory Board Reports

Get In Touch

You can contact our Chair of the Advisory Board, Lauren Charlton, directly at lcharlton@dsatbraunstone.orgBoard meeting minutes are available on request from the Trust Clerk clerk@discoverytrust.orgFurther information can be found on the Discovery Trust Website here