Covid-19 Information
Here you can find contact information, advice and support for parents
COVID 19 Symptoms
- A temperature – are they hot to touch?
- A change in taste or smell
- A persistent cough, or a cough that won’t go away.
If your child has ANY ONE of these symptoms
- Please do not send them to school
- Call your GP, or 111, or 119 for some medical advice.
- Get a PCR test for them at a testing centre, NOT an at-home LFD test.
If your child is a close contact of someone who has COVID 19
- You should get a PCR test at a testing centre, NOT an at-home LFD test
- If they do not have any symptoms, they can come to school as they are under 18.
Covid-19 Poster
To help further minimalise contact and make sure our children social distance, the children will see the following poster around the school.
Contact Information
Should you need to contact us please email:
If the matter is urgent contact us via the numbers below:
Halil Tamgumus
School Telephone: 0116 285 8130
This will be available during school hours Monday to Friday (8:00am-4:30pm)
Pastoral Team
Pastoral Phone: 07498 504576
This will be available during school hours Monday to Friday (8:00am-4:30pm)
Trust Safeguarding Lead Liz Braithwaite: 07395 794356
Primary Education Lead David Briggs: 07395 795536
CEO Paul Stone: 07870 194191
If you need any ICT help to assist your child with their learning, e-mail us at:
This e-mail is not for personal ICT enquiries, but for educational use only.
This will be available during school hours Monday to Friday (8:00am-4:30pm)
Coronavirus - Advice for Schools
As you are aware Coronavirus cases are continuing to increase across the world, with some countries going into to lock down to reduce the spread and contain the virus as much as possible.
The Department for Education advice continues to be focusing on promoting good hygiene and we have been talking to the children in assemblies and classes about washing hands, respiratory hygiene by coughing and sneezing into a clean tissues, etc.
These two links are both useful and updated regularly with information:
Other information can be found at:
If you have travelled abroad you must check these websites to get advice on what action you should take.
Any concerns or queries please contact the school.
Support For Parents
Braunstone Community Primary School
Cort Crescent
LE3 1QH.
Copyright © 2022 Braunstone Primary